app = Sammy('#main', function (sam) { /** * Sammy Configuration * */ // Plugins sam.use('Mustache', 'ms'); // Initialize storage var store = new Sammy.Store({name: 'storage', type: 'session'}); /** * Helpers * */ sam.helpers({ // Flash helper to diplay instant notifications flash: function (level, message) { flashs = store.get('flash'); if (!flashs) { flashs = {'info': [], 'fail': [], 'success': [] } } flashs[level].push(message); store.set('flash', flashs); html = ''; for(lvl in flashs) { flashs[lvl].forEach( function(msg) { html += '
'+ msg +'
'; }); } if (level == 'fail') { alertClass = 'alert-danger'; } else if (level == 'success') { alertClass = 'alert-success'; } else { alertClass = 'alert-info'; } $('#flash').removeClass().addClass('alert '+ alertClass).html(html).fadeIn(); }, // API connection helper api: function (uri, callback, method, data) { c = this; method = typeof method !== 'undefined' ? method : 'GET'; data = typeof data !== 'undefined' ? data : {}; auth = "Basic "+ btoa(store.get('user') +':'+ atob(store.get('password'))); jQuery.ajax({ url: store.get('url') + uri, type: method, crossdomain: true, data: data, traditional: true, dataType: 'json', beforeSend: function(req) { req.setRequestHeader('Authorization', auth); } }) .success(function(data) { data = typeof data !== 'undefined' ? data : {}; if (typeof !== 'undefined') { $.each(, function(k, v) { c.flash('success', v); }); } callback(data); }) .fail(function(xhr) { console.log(xhr); if (xhr.status == 401) { c.flash('fail', 'Wrong password'); } else if (typeof xhr.responseJSON !== 'undefined') { c.flash('fail', xhr.responseJSON.error); } else { c.flash('fail', 'Server error'); } store.clear('slide'); c.redirect(store.get('path-1')); }) .done(function(data) { console.log(data); }); }, // Render view (cross-browser) view: function (view, data) { rendered = this.render('views/'+ view +'.ms', data); enableSlide = true; // Change to false to disable animation if (enableSlide) { function leSwap() { rendered.swap(function() { $('.slide').on('click', function() { $(this).addClass('active'); if ($(this).hasClass('back')) { store.set('slide', 'back'); } else { store.set('slide', 'to'); } }); }); } blockSize = $('#slider').width(); // Slide back effect if (store.get('slide') == 'back') { store.clear('slide'); $('#slideBack').css('display', 'none'); $('#slider-container').removeClass('move').css('margin-left', '-'+ blockSize +'px'); $('#slideTo').show().html($('#main').html()); leSwap(); $('#slider-container').addClass('move').css('margin-left', '0px'); // Slide to effect } else if (store.get('slide') == 'to') { store.clear('slide'); $('#slideTo').css('display', 'none'); $('#slider-container').removeClass('move').css('margin-left', '-'+ blockSize +'px'); $('#slider-container').removeClass('move').css('margin-left', '0px'); $('#slideBack').show().html($('#main').html()); leSwap(); $('#slider-container').addClass('move').css('margin-left', '-'+ blockSize +'px'); } else { leSwap(); } } else { rendered.swap(); } } }); /** * Filters * */ sam.before({except: {path: '#/login'}}, function (req) { // Store path for further redirections store.set('path-1', store.get('path')); store.set('path', req.path); // Redirect to login page if no credentials stored if (!store.get('connected')) { req.redirect('#/login'); return false; } // Clear flash display if (!store.get('flash')) { $('#flash').fadeOut(function() { $('#flash').html(''); }); } }); sam.after(function () { // Clear flash notifications store.clear('flash'); }); /** * Routes * * Note: var "c" is Sammy's route context * @doc * */ sam.get('#/', function (c) { c.view('home'); }); sam.get('#/login', function (c) { $('#logout-button').hide(); store.set('path-1', '#/login'); // Check if te client is hosted on a yunohost node domain = window.location.hostname $.getJSON('http://'+ domain +':6767/api', function(data) { $.getJSON('http://'+ domain +':6767/installed', function(data) { if (!data.installed) { c.view('postinstall'); } else { c.view('login', { 'domain': domain }); } }); }) .fail(function() { c.view('login'); }); });'#/login', function (c) { store.set('url', 'http://'+ c.params['domain'] +':6767'); store.set('user', 'admin'); store.set('password', btoa(c.params['password'])); c.api('/api', function(data) { if (data.apiVersion == '0.1') { c.api('/users', function(data) { store.set('connected', true); $('#logout-button').fadeIn(); c.flash('success', 'Logged in'); if (store.get('path')) { c.redirect(store.get('path')); } else { c.redirect('#/'); } }); } else { c.flash('fail', 'Non-compatible API (0.1 required)'); c.redirect('#/login'); } }); }); sam.get('#/logout', function (c) { store.clear('url'); store.clear('user'); store.clear('password'); store.clear('connected'); store.set('path', '#/'); c.flash('success', 'Logged out'); c.redirect('#/login'); }); /** * Users * */ sam.get('#/users', function (c) { c.api('/users', function(data) { //!/user/user_list_get_3 c.view('user_list', data); }); }); sam.get('#/users/create', function (c) { c.api('/domains', function(data) { //!/domain/domain_list_get_2 c.view('user_create', data); }); });'#/users', function (c) { if (c.params['password'] == c.params['confirmation']) { c.params['mail'] = c.params['email'] + c.params['domain']; c.api('/users', function(data) { //!/user/user_create_post_2 c.redirect('#/users'); }, 'POST', c.params.toHash()); } else { c.flash('fail', "Passwords don't match"); store.clear('slide'); //c.redirect('#/users/create'); } }); sam.get('#/users/:user', function (c) { c.api('/users/'+ c.params['user'], function(data) { //!/user/user_info_get_0 c.view('user_info', data); }); }); sam.get('#/users/:user/edit', function (c) { c.api('/users/'+ c.params['user'], function(data) { //!/user/user_info_get_0 c.view('user_edit', data); }); }); sam.put('#/users/:user', function (c) { params = {} $.each(c.params.toHash(), function(key, value) { if (value !== '' && value !== 'user') { params[key] = value; } }); if ($.isEmptyObject(params)) { c.flash('fail', 'You should modify something'); store.clear('slide'); c.redirect('#/users/'+ c.params['user'] + '/edit'); } else { c.api('/users/'+ c.params['user'], function(data) { //!/user/user_update_put_1 c.redirect('#/users/'+ c.params['user']); }, 'PUT', params); } }); sam.get('#/users/:user/delete', function (c) { if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete '+ c.params['user'] +' ?')) { c.api('/users/'+ c.params['user'], function(data) { //!/user/user_delete_delete_4 c.redirect('#/users'); }, 'DELETE'); } else { store.clear('slide'); c.redirect('#/users/'+ c.params['user']); } }); /** * Domains * */ sam.get('#/domains', function (c) { c.api('/domains', function(data) { //!/domain/domain_list_get_2 c.view('domain_list', data); }); }); sam.get('#/domains/add', function (c) { c.view('domain_add', {'DDomains': ['', '']}); });'#/domains', function (c) { if (c.params['domain'] == '') { if (c.params['ddomain'] == '') { c.flash('fail', "You should indicate a domain"); store.clear('slide'); c.redirect('#/domains/add'); } params = { 'domains': c.params['ddomain'] + c.params['ddomain-ext'] } } else { params = { 'domains': c.params['domain'] } } c.api('/domains', function(data) { //!/domain/domain_add_post_1 c.redirect('#/domains'); }, 'POST', params); }); /** * Apps * */ sam.get('#/apps', function (c) { c.api('/app/list', function(data) { //!/app/app_list_get_8 // Keep only installed apps data2 = { 'Apps': [], 'Installed': true } $.each(data['Apps'], function(k, v) { if (v['Installed'] !== 'No') data2['Apps'].push(v); }); c.view('app_list', data2); }); }); sam.get('#/apps/install', function (c) { c.api('/app/list', function(data) { //!/app/app_list_get_8 // Keep only uninstalled apps data2 = { 'Apps': [] } $.each(data['Apps'], function(k, v) { if (v['Installed'] !== 'Yes') data2['Apps'].push(v); }); c.view('app_list', data2); }); }); sam.get('#/apps/refresh', function (c) { c.api('/app/lists', function(data) { //!/app/app_fetchlist_put_5 c.redirect(store.get('path')); }, 'PUT'); }); }); /** * Run the app * */ $(document).ready(function () {'#/'); // Fixes for sliding effect $('#slider-container').width(2*$('#slider').width() +'px'); $(window).resize(function() { $('#slideBack').css('display', 'none'); $('#slideTo').css('display', 'none'); $('#slider-container').width(2*$('#slider').width() +'px').removeClass('move').css('margin-left', '0px'); }); });